Standard Rules
(1) Soccer Ball in play
Court size roughly 100” x 50”
Games are 7 minutes in length
3 Minutes change-over period between games
5 players per team
No Official GoalKeeper position
Substitutions permitted at the discretion of the event referee
No Bumping into players already on the ground
No overly aggressive playing (Referee Discretion) - Player may be ejected
Ball placed at center at kick off & after each goal
Players from opposing teams will spaced roughly 10' from either side of soccer ball
Center Rush & Bump on each kick off
Players between rounds might consider bringing a towel to wipe down the insides of the Bubble due to player sweat

Optional Game
Create a large circle with flat cones or use the line markings of a standard soccer field center circle.
Circle size to be roughly 30’ diameter
Object of the game is to be the “Last Man Standing”
All players line up around the circle
Once the ref blows the whistle, all players charge into the middle
Once (1) person falls to the ground, the ref blows the whistle, that person gets eliminated.
The remaining people line up again and the process is repeated until you have (1) winner
After 3 attempts in the final round of 2, the game is declared a tie.